Smart City Publikationen
Smart City Studien, Bücher und Handlungsleitfäden zum Thema Smart Cities und Regions.
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Entdecken Sie unsere beliebtesten Publikationen zum Thema Smart City und Smart Region, die von bee smart city veröffentlicht oder als Gastautoren und Partner unterstützt wurden. Die folgenden Smart City Publikationen bieten wertvolle Informationen für Kommunen, Lösungsanbieter, Forscher und interessierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger.
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The special mobility report, published in partnership with IAA MOBILITY and more than 20 publication partners, offers an in-depth analysis of future urban mobility trends, challenges, and groundbreaking solutions.
Special Report Download
This report highlights why understanding and implementing sustainable practices is not only crucial for businesses but also integral in shaping smart, resilient cities.
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A special report in The Times focusing on the latest advances in infrastructure. Insights into public transport networks, 5G connectivity, and renewable energy.
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Learn more about how Smart Cities and local governments and innovators are rising to the latest urban development challenges.
Download Smart Cities Report
A changing climate, as well as the changing needs of a growing population, are creating pressures on global infrastructure.
Infrastructure Report 2022
The report covers the need for public and private companies to work together in smart city development and how city data is transforming the way we live.
Download Future Cities Report
Strategies for resilient cities and real estate. How can cities and properties adapt? How can public and private actors help to make cities more resilient?
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Richly detailed and carefully researched overview of the people, processes and technologies driving the smart cities.
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With its Smart Cities Mission, India hopes to generate a co-operative urban development model that can be adopted and replicated elsewhere.
Download Report Indian Cities
Strategien für resiliente Städte und Immobilien - Das Buch für Stadtentwickler, Investoren und Finanzinstitutionen.
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Konkrete Handlungsschritte für die nachhaltige und praxisorientierte Transformation zur Smart City.
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Der Smart City Atlas der Bitkom zeigt die kommunale digitale Transformation in Deutschland auf. 50 deutsche Städte werden im Smart City Atlas näher beleuchtet.
Download Smart City Atlas
Praktyczny podręcznik Inteligentne miasto / inteligentny region pokazuje konkretne kroki w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju i transformacji do „inteligentnego miasta”.
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