Discover the features of the global smart city platform!
Features of the Smart City Platform
Explore the platform features of bee smart city, the world's largest global smart city network & community. The list below contains a description of the most important features that you can access by clicking on the respective feature text. We will constantly publish platform user guides and link them to the individual features in the list to help you make the most of our platform.
If you have questions or feedback regarding the features, please contact our platform support team at support@beesmart.city.
Your profile forms the basis for interactions with other platform members. Could you let others know who you are and make it easy for them to connect with you? Fully completed profiles receive much more attention and interactions than incomplete ones.
A progress bar shows the percentage of your profile strength. If you are below 100%, there is room for improvement. Edit your profile to complete the missing information!
Please make sure to add the following information to your profile:
👉 your full name👉 a profile image
👉 the company/organization you work for
👉 your job title
👉 an "about me" description
👉 your city/municipality (that you work for or live in)
👉 what you offer (offering tags)
👉 what you seek (seeking tags)
You can also customize your profile background image.
Related Guide:
👉 How to optimize my Profile Page
You can write posts and publish them in the dashboard newsfeed to share content with other members. You can add text, images, and links to the posts. Please make sure to only post smart city-related content, as this is the core function of our platform.
You can also comment on posts of other members to start discussions, request information, etc. If other members have commented on your posts, you will be informed about these interactions in the "Notifications" section.
You can easily add solutions to the global solution database to increase the visibility of your solutions and/or to contribute to the sharing of best practices between all members.
Click on the "Add Solutions" button in the profile menu or in the "My Solutions" section on your dashboard to add solutions to the database.
Related Guide:
👉 How to add and optimize my Smart City Solution
In the "My Solutions" section, you can effectively manage the solutions that you have added.
All solutions are listed by current status (sponsored, active, pending, draft), and you can easily edit/update existing and add new solutions.
You can also see key statistics of your solutions, the preview images of individual solutions as well as the date of your last solution update.
Search through the global smart city solution repository using the search bar or navigate through the database by clicking on "Solutions" in the secondary navigation.
In the solution search, you can choose different filters to directly find solutions: by indicator, by country, by spatial level, by relevance, as well as sorted by newest solutions and most popular solutions (most smarts).
Share your solutions in social media and distribute them in your network to receive more "smarts" and to generate new partnerships and business leads.
You can also share best practice solutions of other members.
To share a solution, please open the respective solution and use the sharing buttons to share it. Make sure to add a personal comment and hashtags to the post before sharing it.
Related Guide:
👉 How to add and optimize my Smart City Solution
"Smart" (that’s our "like") solutions that you consider efficient or innovative and share them with your network or in social media to recommend these solutions to others.
You can "smart" solutions by clicking on the "smart" button on the respective solution page.
Bookmark solutions that are interesting to you for easier later access. To bookmark a solution, click on the star behind the solution name or click on the bookmark button marked with a star icon.
You can find your bookmarked solutions in the "My Favorites" section in your dashboard or via the dropdown menu that opens when clicking on your profile image in the main navigation.
On your dashboard, your profile, and on the individual solutions that you have added to the smart city network, you can see the last profile and solution visitors.
The last visitors are a good starting point to interact with members that have shown interest in your profile and/or solutions! Connect and start a conversation!
You can search for members using the search bar in the header or by clicking on "Members" in the secondary main navigation.
You can narrow down the search results with different filter options.
To add a member to your network, click on the "Connect" button on the respective member profile. Once the other member has confirmed your connection request, you can send each other direct messages.
In the "My Network" section, you can manage incoming connection requests and also see pending requests that you have sent to other members.
Matching suggestions ("My Matches") are triggered by the seeking and offering tags stated in your profile. Matched contacts are displayed based on the fit between what they search for and what you are offering (based on your offering tags) and what they offer that you are searching (based on your seeking tags).
For the best matching results, please make sure to add concise searching and offering tags to your profile. You can add up to 10 search and offer tags, respectively.
Related Guide:
👉 How to optimize my Profile Page
Direct Messaging functionality enables you to directly interact with other network members – be it to exchange experiences, discuss best practices, talk and learn about smart city solutions, forge new collaborations, initiate new partnerships, or discuss events or tenders.
You can send messages to members that you are connected with.
Requests to connect with other members can be found in your "pending contacts" list. Once they have approved the connection, they are moved to the "my contacts" list.
You can send unlimited messages to all contacts that you are directly connected with (everyone in your "my contacts" list).
To prevent misuse, we have added the possibility to report messages with inappropriate content or spam intentions. In the case of unwanted contact requests, you have the possibility to add these contacts to your “ignored members” list.
The notification function helps you to keep track of member interactions with your published content and to stay up-to-date regarding new member connections.
In addition, system notifications inform you about platform updates and announcements.
You can access notifications at any time via the "notifications" button in the main navigation.
We use 6 Smart City Indicators to categorize solutions. The 6 main smart city indicators are:
👉 Smart Economy👉 Smart Environment
👉 Smart Government
👉 Smart Living
👉 Smart Mobility
👉 Smart People
They help to segment the smart city ecosystem into different sub-indicators and solution categories.